Case: Huobi cryptocurrency exchange PR Campaign in the CIS
Huobi Global is the world leading trading platform, providing secure and convenient trading services for hundreds of digital assets.
Facing negative brand image and publications, our task was to increase media mentions and enhance Huobi's recognition as an expert in cryptocurrency. We aimed to reverse negativity, expand media coverage volume, and establish Huobi as an authoritative leader trusted by major outlets for industry insights and commentary. Our core goals focused on transforming perception, boosting visibility through expanded coverage, and cementing Huobi's expert status in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space.
  • April 2021 - minimal mentions, mostly low-impact outlets → December 2022 - 1200% increase in mentions, substantial growth in high-quality mentions
  • Hit all major first tier media outlets
  • 64% improvement in media index, reflecting enhanced media coverage and involvement of reputable outlets
  • Conducted comprehensive PR campaign over 1 year period
  • Transformed Huobi's brand image and established expertise in cryptocurrency
  • Expanded outreach securing interviews, distributing releases, publishing articles
  • Achieved significant growth in high-quality media coverage across major outlets
  • Cemented Huobi as a recognized industry leader and authority
  • With PR tools, brought Huobi to top 3 crypto exchanges in Russia within 1 year
  • Delivered exponential increase in media visibility and thought leadership positioning
  • Successfully established Huobi as a trusted voice for media seeking crypts for Huobi
Project Details
Our comprehensive PR campaign spanned over a year of meticulous effort to transform Huobi's brand image and establish their voice as an authoritative expert in cryptocurrency. Through expanded media outreach, securing interviews, distributing press releases, and publishing expert articles, we achieved significant growth in high-quality media coverage across major outlets, cementing Huobi as a recognized leader in the industry.
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